About The Course

MDCE (Master Diploma in Computer Engineering)
– 3 Years


  • Information Technology Tools and Network Basics
  1. Introduction to Computer
  2. Introduction to Operating System
  3. Word Processing
  4. Spreadsheet
  5. Presentation
  6. Introduction to Internet and WWW
  7. E-mail, Social Networking and e-Governance Services
  8. Digital Financial Tools and Applications
  9. Overview of Future Skills & Cyber Security



  • Web Designing & Publishing
  1. Introduction to Web Design and Editors, HTML Basics
  2. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  3. CSS Framework
  4. JavaScript and Angular Js
  5. Photo Editor, Web Publishing and Browsing



  • Programming and Problem Solving through Python
  1. Introduction to Programming
  2. Algorithm and Flowcharts to solve problems
  3. Introduction to Python
  4. Operators, Expressions and Python Statements
  5. Sequence data types
  6. Functions
  7. File Processing
  8. Modules
  9. NumPy Basics



  • Internet of Things ( IoT )and its Applications
  1. Introduction to IoT – Applications/Devices, Protocols and Communication Model
  2. Things and Connections
  3. Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers
  4. Building IoT Applications
  5. Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem
  6. Soft skills Personality Development


Data Structure Through Object Oriented Programming Language

  1. Object Oriented Concepts
  2. Basics of C++ and C++ classes and Objects
  3. Analysis of Algorithm
  4. Searching and Sorting
  5. Elementary Data Types- Arrays, Linked Lists and Types
  6. Stacks and Queues
  7. Trees
  8. Graphs



Computer Organization and Operating System

  1. Basic Structure of Computers
  2. Computer Arithmetic Operations
  3. Central Processing Unit and Instructions
  4. Memory Organization
  5. I/O Organization
  6. Operating Systems Overview
  7. Linux Basics
  8. Process Management and Shell Script
  9. Users, Groups and Permissions
  10. Standard I/O and Pipes
  11. Finding and processing files



Databases Technologies

  1. An Overview of the Database Management System
  2. Architecture of Database System
  3. Relational Database Management System(RDBMS)
  4. Database Design
  5. Maria DB
  6. Manipulating Data with MariaDB
  7. NoSQL Database Technologies
  8. Selecting Right Database              



Systems Analysis, Design and Testing

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirement Gathering and Feasibility Analysis
  3. Structured Analysis
  4. Structured Design
  5. Object-Oriented Modelling Using UML
  6. Testing, System Implementation and Maintenance, Other Software Development Approaches



Web Application Development Using PHP

  1. Introduction to the Website Development and Introduction to Linux Operating System
  2. Review of designing of Web pages
  3. Review of Client Side Validations using various techniques
  4. Server side programming language PHP
  5. Database connectivity with PHP and MySQL
  6. Web Services & security vulnerabilities



Full Stack Web Development using MVC Framework

  1. MVC Infrastructure Basics, PHP Frameworks & Introduction to CakePHP
  2. Models
  3. Controller and Views
  4. PHP Basics and Conditional Logic
  5. Functions and Error Handling
  6. Object Oriented Programming
  7. MySQL Installation and Basics
  8. Advance Queries and Data Manipulation using PHP and MySQL
  9. Creating Dynamic Forms using CakePHP Html Helpers



Big Data Analytics Using Hadoop

  1. Analyze and Define Business Requirement
  2. Introduction to Operating System (Ubuntu/Linux)
  3. Java Programming
  4. . Hadoop Framework and Map Reduce Programming Technique
  5. Analyzing Data using HIVE
  6. Basics of R Programming and RHIVE
  7. HIVE-Java Connectivity
  8. Introduction to HBASE, PIG and JAQL



Data Science Using Python

  1. Python Language, Structures, Programming Constructs
  2. Data Science Concepts
  3. Numpy
  4. Pandas
  5. Statistical Concepts and Functions
  6. Matplotlib
  7. GUI – Tkinter
  8. Machine Learning


Note :- ( Not Included in MDCE + )

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The Course Curriculam